Upgrade Your Response Ability & Shift from Reaction to Strategic Action


Nov 11, 2024, 7:00 PM


9:00 PM

Sydney time AEDT UTC+11


2 hours



Upgrade Your Response Ability & Shift from Reaction to Strategic Action

In today’s fast-paced environment, leaders often feel stuck between external pressures and internal overwhelm. This workshop is designed to help you take back control by mastering the core skill of responsibility — your ability to respond effectively and powerfully in any situation.

During this interactive session, you’ll learn how to:

  • Clarify the results you want and take intentional action toward achieving them

  • Cultivate resourceful states to stay centred and effective, even under pressure

  • Own your role in relationships and circumstances, so you can create positive change

  • Develop self-awareness and habits of inquiry to improve your leadership and communication

We’ll dive deep into three key areas:

  1. Taking Responsibility for Your Thoughts and Feelings

    • Learn how to tend to your emotions and when to set them aside to stay focused on the bigger picture.

  2. Taking Responsibility for Your Relationships

    • Discover how to communicate your needs, listen to others, and create win-win outcomes by owning your impact and behaviour.

  3. Taking Responsibility for Your Circumstances

    • Understand how your actions have shaped your environment and explore the steps you can take to influence your circumstances for the better.

Practice and Apply:

This workshop includes practical exercises to help you:

  • Get clear on what you want and identify where you may be holding back from owning it

  • Acknowledge how you’ve contributed to relationships and circumstances you don’t want

  • Learn to shift into resourceful states for greater impact

  • Take strategic actions to drive real results in your role


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© 2023 Upgradedleadership. All rights reserved.

© 2023 Upgradedleadership. All rights reserved.